Law firm marketing is essential for lawyers and law firms throughout the world. If you are in charge of online marketing for a law firm, you may be struggling to find effective marketing streams and to get a decent return on your marketing investment.
Don’t worry, this is normal for people without very much law firm marketing experience. This is why we have put together a list of our top 8 law firm online marketing tips. Read on to improve your marketing success dramatically!
- Branding Is Key
Without good branding, your online marketing efforts will never be as successful as they could be. Make sure that you have a clearly defined brand and that you are consistent across the internet.
- Make Sure Your Social Media Presence Remains Strong
Social media is free, easy to use, and a great source of new clients. If you don’t already have a well-defined social media strategy for your law firm, get one. It is very important to have a good social media presence and to engage with potential clients regularly.
- Make Sure You Put Time Into SEO
Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO for lawyers is absolutely essential for any business website which really wants to have a strong online presence. SEO refers to the actions you can take to make your site appear higher on the search engine results pages for certain keywords and it shouldn’t be ignored!
- Build Relationships With Clients
If you work in a small town with only a select number of lawyers or only a couple of law firms, building relationships with your clients is essential. This will encourage them to refer you to their friends, and will result in an increase of repeat clients.
- Use Videos
The old saying says that ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. But what is I told you that ‘a video is worth a thousand pictures’? Make sure that you use videos as part of your marketing efforts.
- Make Sure You Use Service Pages
If your law firm offers a number of different services, it is important to make sure that you have a dedicated service page for each one. This will give potential clients the information they need when deciding whether to use your services/
- Make Sure Your Website Is Modern & Responsive
Having a high quality, modern, mobile responsive website is absolutely critical in the modern world. A lot of people won’t even consider using your services if you don’t have a decent website.
- Encourage Reviews From Past Clients
Nothing instills confidence in a potential client quite like positive reviews from past clients. Encourage people who are happy with your service to leave positive reviews on Google and other review websites.
Final Word
Online marketing is essential for law firms who are looking to grow and to expand their client base. However, it is also difficult. The tips above should help you improve the return on your online marketing efforts, but you should seriously consider employing a marketing consultant who knows exactly what they’re doing.