You may know this, but every business be it small or large cannot survive with a static type of website. If a small business wants to remain competitive then they will have to keep on updating their particular website, blog often along with other marketing techniques. Whether you are doing the job yourself or consulting an experienced digital agency, it is no use wasting your precious time plus money on a useless static type of website.
This is why many small businesses nowadays form websites that has a useful content management system or CMS. Picking out a good CMS platform may actually be rather tough due to the fact that a lot of open source plus commercial options tend to be present nowadays. This articles aims to aid you in knowing how to pick the best one for your particular small business.
You need to know the positive points as well as negative ones of open source CMS. These will be discussed below:
- Price – This platform is said to be literally free. Nevertheless you need to know that the precise technology can be gotten for free, but employing an individual with expertise or even taking out time so as to integrate the vital platform will cost you cash. The case can also be present whereby the price of configuration may actually be as much as getting a commercial CMS that is tied with the vendor’s support. You also should know that figuring an open source type of CMS may take much time and be rather tough if you do not get help. This increases the cost more. Therefore it is vital to consider price before selecting a CMS.
- Scattered development community– Due to the fact that a lot of people worldwide may be involved within a useful open source project, amazing features can be seen within popular CMS. You should know that with a precise distributed development type of community, importance can vary much from the particular small business owners employing the CMS.
- Technology that is non-proprietary – Due to the fact that the specific software tends to be open source, everyone may employ the technology moreover take it to some other supported platform. This makes it transportable. Nevertheless this means you will not get vendor certifications. You will not know whether an individual is actually good within a specific CMS when there is not much outside validation. You should know that commercial CMS type of vendors often possess a certification program particularly for third parties. They can also suggest competent partners plus give support by themselves.
- Support – You will receive centralized support due to the fact that the vendor tends to be responsible for looking at bug fixes plus feature requests. The precise open-source community does not have any obligation to handle problems timely, but a useful commercial CMS type of provider has much at stake.
- Stability – Those commercial CMS givers often have live customers employing the product meaning it should work, but open source providers may not always be professional developers.
- Learn simply – Commercial CMS givers often feature training so as to let you be able to learn their particular technology.
- Cost – This platform may be unaffordable to some businesses that are small.
- Cannot easily move – A particular commercial CMS formed by one vendor tends to not be simply transferred to some other platform. This makes you get stuck only with those features given by the provider.
- Does not have cutting edge technology – Due to the fact that commercial CMS type of vendors need to give stable plus high performing solutions, amazing features may get delayed because of much testing along with market research required preceding implementation.
After reading this you can figure out which one will be best for you. When choosing which one to get you need to consider how much it is for, whether it is easy to employ and if it will help your business out.