Understanding Brand Management
We can’t stress enough how important it is to understand brand management. What exactly is brand management? It’s the strategy behind the way you expect people to perceive your brand. This requires the right kind of formula: you want to remain true to your brand, while offering consumer insights. A report from Aberdeen Group and Oracle recently found that 74% of CMOs considered brand awareness to be a top priority.
Understand the Essence of Your Brand
What needs does your product or service solve? What are you trying to achieve? How can you help your visitors? These are all questions that are the essence and truth of your brand, and you need to evaluate them before making any steps forward. Try this brand exercise: answer the following customer question in one or two sentences, as if you were speaking to them directly:
What is [insert company name] and why do I need it?
The answer to this question should clearly state what the brand is, what questions it answers, and what sets it apart from competitors.